D-Day Proclamation

At 8am this morning (Thursday, 6 June), Swadlincote Town Crier Karen Bailey stood on the Town Hall steps and delivered the National D-Day Proclamation.
Watched by a crowd that included members of the Royal British Legion, South Derbyshire District Council Chief Executive Dr Justin Ives, Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council, members of the District Council, and residents, she said: “Today we commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, France - an incredible achievement in military planning and logistics uniting brave service personnel from air, sea and land forces at the beginning of Operation Overlord.
“By the day's end over 150,000 Allied troops had successfully stormed the now famous Gold, Juno, Sword, Utah and Omaha beaches to achieve a toehold in France.
“In the weeks that followed the Allies fought bitterly against a determined foe from the unforgiving countryside of Normandy to the liberation of Paris two months later.”
“We should all remember and never forget the selfless sacrifice and courage of all those involved and use this Commemoration to pay our tribute to those who gave so much to secure the freedom we all enjoy today.”
A one-minute silence for reflection followed, before Karen ended the ceremony with a cry of: “God Save the King” which was echoed by the spectators.
Town Criers nationwide are delivering the National Proclamation today, remembering the largest seaborne invasion in history.
Later today Swadlincote and District Royal British Legion (RBL) is hosting a Fish & Chip Supper at the Constitutional Club which will be followed by a service of Remembrance at the Memorial Park Gates (Eureka Park) between 9pm and 9.30pm.
On Saturday (8 June) the RBL will be holding an 80th Anniversary Community Commemoration event at Swadlincote Town Hall and on the Delph. The event which will run from 10am until 2pm will raise awareness and help educate people about the events of 80 years ago.
The Magic Attic will be displaying military equipment of the time, entertainment will include face painting, dancing and music from the 1940s, and refreshments will be served from the Town Hall.
6 June 2024