Give your thoughts on CCTV in private hire vehicles

South Derbyshire District Council is again consulting on the issue of CCTV in private hire vehicles following the Department for Transport's (DfT) ‘Statutory Taxi & Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Standards’ published on 21 July 2020.
A consultation was carried out in 2021 and 2022 and a decision was made by the Environmental and Development Services Committee not to make CCTV in private hire vehicles mandatory but to monitor the need on an annual basis.
The Licensing Authority is requesting your views on whether it should be mandatory for private hire vehicles to have CCTV installed. This CCTV will enable us to identify if there are local circumstances which indicate that the installation of CCTV in vehicles would have either a positive or an adverse net effect on the safety of private hire vehicle users, children or vulnerable adults taking into account potential privacy issues.
The survey will take around 5 minutes to complete. The link for the survey is
All relevant comments received will be considered and will help to decide whether or not to introduce mandatory CCTV to private hire vehicles. Your comments may also be published on the council's website in committee reports or in the council's meeting minutes. Any comments made will be anonymous.
They will not be shared with third parties.
The survey will remain open until 5pm on Friday 20 September 2024.
Please do not provide any personal data on this form. If you require any further information or advice, regarding this consultation, please email:
Please do take the time to answer this survey.
30 July 2024