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Storm Henk – South Derbyshire update

Storm Henk Storm Henk

In the past few days, South Derbyshire has experienced unprecedented rainfall, leading to widespread local flooding and disruption caused by Storm Henk.

The council, county council, parish councils, local emergency services, the Environment Agency, and the public have been actively assisting affected residents and will continue to do so.

Despite numerous severe flood warnings, flood alerts, road closures, calls for assistance and emergency contingency plans, the situation as of today (Friday, 5 January) is still challenging, but surprisingly positive.

Although many of the district's rivers reported record-breaking peak levels, we estimate approximately 14 residential properties were flooded, with no reports of flooded business premises or families needing temporary accommodation. There have been no injuries to persons reported. This outcome reflects the huge collaborative efforts of the public and our partners; and the effectiveness of flood prevention works undertaken.

While the current weather forecast indicates dry conditions, flooding and surface water persist in many areas of the district. We are in contact with affected residents, and the cleanup operation is underway. Further updates on the impacts of Storm Henk, detailing any other support that may become available will be provided shortly.

In the meantime, we urge everyone to adhere to the following advice:

  • Avoid driving through floodwater; it may be deeper than you think, and even 60cm can float your car. Please respect road closed signs.
  • Sign up for Environment Agency flood warnings.
  • Check current alerts by the Environment Agency and follow any flood warning advice.
  • Refrain from entering or allowing pets to play in floodwater, as it can be contaminated or pose a risk at just 15cm deep. Please refer to health advice from the Government.

Again, a huge thank you to the resilience and cooperation of the people of South Derbyshire and our partners for working together to help navigate this unprecedented and challenging week.

5 January 2024

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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