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Flies in Willington

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Council officers were alerted to a significant fly increase in properties in Willington in the first week in August.

Officers visited a local business early last week and satisfied themselves that it was, in all probability, the source of the locally increased fly numbers. They also concluded that the implementation of on-site fly control standards had been insufficient in preventing a recent rapid escalation in insects.

The business immediately responded by increasing fly treatment processes as a result of the visit.

The Council subsequently issued a warning notice on 9 August requiring a revised fly management plan to be submitted to and agreed by the Council within 7 days.

The business has been co-operating with the Council and has submitted a revised plan which officers are currently reviewing against industry best practice standards. It is anticipated that a final management plan will be agreed before the end of this week.

Higher than normal fly numbers will start to reduce as they reach the end of their life-cycle and while natural predators such as birds reduce the insect numbers.

14 August 2024

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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