The way you apply for a postal or a proxy vote is changing

The way you apply for a postal or a proxy vote is changing
A new government website has launched today for postal vote and proxy vote applications.
For Postal Vote applications, visit:
Under the new arrangements, you will be able to apply to vote by post for one specific election, or a set period of time for up to three years. After three years you will have to reapply if you wish to continue to vote by post.
Transitional arrangements mean that anyone who has a postal vote that was granted on or before 31 October 2023 will have until 31 January 2026 to reapply.
For Proxy Vote applications, visit:
The Council will be writing to all existing proxy-vote electors in early January 2024 to inform them that they must re-apply before 31 January 2024 or their proxy voting arrangements will be cancelled.
Paper forms will still be available for both Postal and Proxy applications and these can be sent out to you in the post, collected from the Civic Offices, or they can be downloaded from the Electoral Commission’s website:
For further information contact
…or speak to a member of the Electoral Services team on:
01283 595875 / 595728 / 595723
31 October 2023