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Chair presents charity cheque

Cheque presentation Cheque presentation

Last month the outgoing Chair of South Derbyshire District Council, Cllr Paul Dunn, presented a cheque for £6004.00 to his chosen charity - the NSPCC

Throughout his civic year Cllr Dunn has worked hard and has been supported by family, friends, and colleagues to raise this fantastic sum for this very worthwhile cause. As it was his last year in office, and he has now retired, Cllr Dunn wished to raise as much money as he could for the charity which is close to his heart.

Cllr Dunn said: “I wish to thank all those who supported me in my efforts, in particular Tracey Davenport, the local representative for the NSPCC.

“I worked closely with Tracey and was in admiration of her determination and commitment as a volunteer. She gave so much support to my fund-raising efforts and I am positive the NSPCC will continue to benefit from the tireless work she carries out on behalf of this great organisation.”

The Council would like to thank Cllr Paul Dunn for his latest charity fund-raising efforts, plus his time served as Chair and a dedicated South Derbyshire Councillor for Midway for 12 years and wish him all the very best in his well-deserved retirement.     

6 June 2023

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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