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Briefing session for prospective candidates

Green SDDC landscape logo Green SDDC landscape logo

Prospective candidates planning to stand in the local elections in South Derbyshire on Thursday 4 May are invited to attend a briefing session at the Civic Offices, Swadlincote on Thursday 6 April at 6pm.

The session will cover arrangements for polling day, postal vote opening sessions and the verification and count of ballots cast.

Ardip Sandhu, South Derbyshire’s Returning Officer, stated: “The candidates’ briefing session will give information for anyone standing in the District and Parish Wards where an election will be held. I would urge and candidates standing in the areas where an election will be held to attend”.

The deadline for candidates to return their nomination papers is Tuesday 4 April at 4pm.

For more information, visit


3 April 2023

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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