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Community Survey 2022 – shaping future services

Green Bank Leisure Centre Green Bank Leisure Centre

South Derbyshire District Council is asking people who live or visit the District to complete a short online survey to help shape future leisure and community services.

The Council is reviewing its leisure offer across the District to ensure it is fit for purpose, and meets the needs of residents and the growing population.

A vital part of this review process is for the Council to understand how South Derbyshire residents and visitors use the current local leisure facilities alongside people’s general attitude towards physical activity and exercise.

Answers provided will help the Council understand what barriers may be preventing people from being more physically active and using local leisure facilities more, and what can be done to help overcome these.

The survey’s questions focus on people’s leisure, sport and physical activity habits. All responses are anonymous, and the survey is open to people aged 15 plus who live in or visit South Derbyshire.

To complete the survey, please visit Online Community Survey 2022.

The survey is open until 22 July 2022.

PLEASE NOTE - there was a small technical issue with any surveys attempted today (22, June) between 11am -12pm - this has now been fixed.


22 June 2022

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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