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Two commemorative tree plantings take place at Rosliston

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Rosliston Forestry Centre was a hive of activity yesterday afternoon, as two special tree planting ceremonies took place (Tuesday, 8 February).

A Japanese Flowering Cherry tree was planted in the picnic area by specially invited guest, Misako Sato from the Japanese School in Etwall. The tree has been donated to mark the school’s 30th anniversary and to celebrate Rosliston Forestry Centre and South Derbyshire’s close and long-standing connection to Japan and Toyota City.

Misako Sato was joined by the Leader, Chair, Vice-Chair and the Chief Executive of South Derbyshire District Council along with staff members and volunteers from the Forestry Centre.

The popular visitor attraction, which sits in the heart of The National Forest, is proud of its international connection and boasts a popular Japanese visitor trail which includes a sensory garden and relaxing cloud watching benches.

In the second ceremony three greengages were planted adding to the Tree Trail on site which starts outside the sensory garden and includes over 30 different species of tree.

The tree planting ceremony signified the start of The Queens’ Platinum Jubilee celebrations taking place in the Summer at Rosliston Forestry Centre. This week was chosen as Sunday marked 70 years since the Queen’s accession to the throne.

This ceremony was hosted jointly by the Council and Forestry England who are the landowners at Rosliston Forestry Centre.

Lizzie Hartshorne from Forestry England, John Everitt from the National Forest Company and Councillor Kevin Richards from South Derbyshire District Council each spoke about the significance of the Jubilee event and of tree planting for the benefit of the natural environment.

Partners and guests then joined the Rosliston Ranger volunteers in planting some additional trees in a new Jubilee Hedge which overlooks Jubilee Meadow. Jubilee Meadow is dominated by a giant "ER70” wildflower motif which will blossom over the coming months making a spectacular tribute to Her Majesty.

The Tree Trail, Jubilee Hedge and Meadow are all in place and set to bloom into life this summer thanks to the support and generosity of many donations, partners, corporate groups and volunteers.

A total of 1,600 trees have been ordered for the Jubilee Hedge and meadow area thanks to grants and donations from the Tree Council, The Trust for Conservation Volunteering, The Woodland Trust and Arcus Global. All have been planted by volunteers this winter.

A gallery of images is also available on our Facebook page

Copies of the Japanese Trail are available from Reception at Rosliston Forestry Centre or by emailing the Environmental Education Project team

The tree trail includes boards which explain identification features, facts, figures, myths, legends and uses of each tree.

Below is a short video from the two tree planting ceremonies.

Tree planting at Rosliston Forestry Centre

9 February 2022

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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