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Storm Eunice warning

Storm Warning Storm Warning

Storm Eunice is likely to affect Derbyshire on Friday 18 February, with winds of up to 70mph forecast from the early afternoon until the early evening.

The Met Office has issued an Amber warning, which means there is a high risk trees or power lines being brought down, of flying debris and disrupted travel services.

We could then get some snow over the Peak District hills on Friday evening.

Risk of flooding in the county is currently low, however if you come across flood water do not enter on foot or in a vehicle.

If you need help due to a storm related incident, here is some advice on who you should call:

  • Fallen tree on a road, not endangering life – call Derbyshire County Council on 01629 533190
  • Fallen tree on a road where life is in danger, or fallen tree onto property where life is in danger – call 999
  • Unsafe structure overhanging a public highway – Fire and Rescue Service via 999
  • General flooding – wait for the water to subside and do not enter flood water.
  • Flooding with life risk - Fire and Rescue Service via 999

If roads become unsafe due to flooding or fallen trees, motorists should make sure they obey any road closure signs.

For the most recent information on weather warnings, visit the Met Office website.

17 February 2022

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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