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Rosliston stars in national promo video

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Rosliston Forestry Centre has been chosen by the Forest Education Network England (FENE) and the Royal Forestry Society as the inspirational backdrop for a series of videos promoting its national Learning in the Forest campaign.

FENE is launching an online outreach and learning resources hub and Rosliston, with its unique mix of natural habitats at the heart of the National Forest, was an ideal fit to help promote and celebrate the wide array of subjects that can be learned outdoors in a forest environment.

As total of nine campaign videos were filmed at Rosliston in May of this year with each video highlighting how a forest environment can provide a wealth of learning opportunities that bring the curriculum to life for all ages.

The videos cover topics from outdoor learning in art, geography, maths, and science - other videos explore the potential career opportunities and wellbeing benefits available in a forest environment.

The videos were made with help from Rosliston Primary School Pupils, along with FENE officers who discuss the many wonderful benefits forest learning can bring.

Each of the topics covered in the Learning in the Forest campaign can be delivered by the Rosliston Forestry Centre’s Environmental Education Project team. The team hope to use the new campaign videos to promote the variety of learning activities and opportunities available at the centre, which is a partnership between Forestry England, National Forest Company and South Derbyshire District Council.

Councillor Stephen Taylor, Chair of the Council’s Environment and Development Service Committee said: “It is a great coup for Rosliston Forestry Centre to be used as the backdrop for such an important national campaign as this.

“I think it’s a testament to the mix of beautiful natural habitats that makes up the centre, that we are lucky to be blessed with and a recognition of the work the teams do delivering an array of activities to all ages that are not only enjoyable but educational.

“The videos that the Royal Forestry Society and FENE have produced are fantastic and a fabulous showcase for Rosliston Forestry Centre and forest learning in general. I think they will be influential locally and in other areas of the country in helping promote the many benefits of outdoor learning.” 

Becky Wilkinson, the Royal Forestry Society’s Learning and Outreach Manager who co-ordinated the filming project said: “We are passionate about the benefits of outdoor learning in the woodlands that we have in our schools and communities.

“Centres such as Rosliston provide a wonderful opportunity for real learning and creating memories that last a lifetime. We hope that our videos and resources will inspire many more schools to take their curriculum outdoors next term.“

To view the new Learning in the Forest campaign videos filmed at Rosliston visit the Royal Forestry Society YouTube channel, for more information about the Royal Forestry Society and FENE visit Home - Forest Education Network (England) - Royal Forestry Society (

For more information and the educational activities available at Rosliston please visit  Environmental Education Project | South Derbyshire District Council or email

You can also keep up to date with other events and activities on offer by following @RoslistonEnvEd on Twitter or visiting the centre’s dedicated Facebook page

10 August 2022

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