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Beware energy rebate scam calls

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South Derbyshire District Council is repeating its message to beware of scam calls regarding the £150 energy rebate which is due to be issued this summer.

The Council are aware that third-party organisations are calling residents to let them know they can claim the rebate on their behalf. This is not the case - the Council are not calling residents to ask for their bank details or (any other information) in relation to the energy rebate and strongly recommends people do not take up any offers made to them over the phone.

Residents are being advised to either set up a direct debit (if you pay council tax) or await the easy to complete online form, which will be published on the Council’s website soon.

If you are unable to fill the form in online, the Council’s customers services team on 01283 595795 will also be on hand to offer support.

For the latest information regarding the energy rebate please check in at:

21 April 2022

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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