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Shopping voucher prizes on offer in 50+ survey

Older active person Older active person

Shopping vouchers worth £50 could be won by anyone taking part in a survey which will help shape the delivery of leisure and recreation activities for over 50s in South Derbyshire.

South Derbyshire District Council’s ‘Your lifestyle, your safety’ survey aims to find out what leisure and recreation activities residents take part in currently, would like to take part in, and to find out opinions on community safety in South Derbyshire. Anyone aged 50+ who lives in South Derbyshire is invited to take part.

The Council is carrying out the survey in partnership with South Derbyshire CVS, Safer South Derbyshire and Derbyshire County Council. The information provided will be used to inform the planning of future services and the survey results will be published on South Derbyshire District Council’s website later in the year.

The last survey conducted in 2015, provided valuable information about the physical activity needs and community safety issues of over-50s in South Derbyshire.

Councillor Gordon Rhind, Chair of South Derbyshire District Council’s Housing and Community Services Committee said: “With the 50-plus population being the fastest growing age group in South Derbyshire, it is good to know that their needs and lifestyles are being looked at.

“This survey will help us to learn more about what the over-50s in the area think and want, so that it can help shape our physical activity, leisure and recreation offer for that age group in the future.

“It will be interesting to see how things have changed since the previous survey of this age group back in 2015, and how their needs and lifestyles can better be served.”

The ‘Your lifestyle, your safety’ survey should only take around 10 minutes to complete - a link to the online version can be found here: South Derbyshire Your Lifestyle, Your Safety. 50+ Survey 2021 (

The survey is available in other formats, such as large print - if help is required to complete, please email: or call 01283 219761.

13 September 2021

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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