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Give your views on proposed changes to Council Tax Reduction Scheme

Council Tax Council Tax

South Derbyshire District Council is asking residents to comment on proposed changes to its Council Tax Reduction Scheme for working age residents.

The deadline for views is 5pm on 14 January 2022.

South Derbyshire District Council’s Council Tax Reduction Scheme supports working age residents who are on a low income by reducing the amount of council tax they have to pay in line with their income.

The council tax support scheme for those of pension age is a national scheme and is not affected by these proposals.

The Council’s current scheme was introduced in 2013. As such, the Council is keen to explore changes to the scheme to modernise it, ensure it distributes support to those in need more effectively, and to reduce administration costs.

Councillor Robert Pearson, Chair of South Derbyshire District Council’s Finance and Management Committee, said: “Before we make any changes to our current scheme, it is important we consult widely with residents and partners.

“To help residents find out about the changes we have published a consultation booklet that describes the changes in detail.

“If you currently claim a council tax reduction, you can also find out what the changes could mean to the council tax support you receive by using our modelling tool on our website.”

To check the potential models for council tax reduction, visit:

The Council has also launched an online survey where people can give their views at:

Councillor Pearson added: “The deadline for views is 5pm on 14 January 2022 and we’d like as many people as possible to comment and give their views, so we can make sure the changes we make are right for local claimants and our community.”

Following the consultation, the Council’s Finance and Management Committee will consider a final proposal in February 2022. If approved, the changes will be applied to council tax bills from April 2022.

The council is holding drop-in sessions at Civic Offices, Civic Way, Swadlincote, DE11 0AH on Friday 3 December and Friday 7 January. To book a slot at a drop-in session, please email

16 November 2021

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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