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Flooding risk - be prepared

Flooding Flooding

With significant rainfall expected over the next few days many areas are at risk of flooding. There is a lot you can do to help prepare for flooding events should they happen.

The risk of flooding from rivers is mainly controlled by the Environment Agency. They publish on-line flood risk maps which are continuously being updated - This website should be the first point of reference for anyone worried about a risk of flooding from rivers or they should use the Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or follow @EnvAgency on Twitter for the latest flood updates.

Flooding events from rainwater runoff are caused by high volumes of rainfall in a short period exceeding the ability of the local drainage systems to cope with it. 

There is a lot you can do to help prepare for potential flooding events

Stay Informed

Be prepared

  • Put vital items like insurance documents and medications in a waterproof bag in case you need to leave your home
  • Check you know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water mains supplies. If water starts coming into the property, turn off the power to the downstairs at the fusebox.
  • Take essentials upstairs – food, water, torch. Move children, pets and valuables upstairs. If you can, move furniture and furnishings upstairs. 
  • Move your vehicle to higher ground if it’s safe to do so.
  • You can make temporary flood defences by filling plastic bags or even pillowcases with soil or compost and placing them in front of doors and airbricks.
  • Block up external airbricks. You could use any sort of solid sheet such as plyboard or rigid plastic securely fastened to the external wall.
  • If you have time, take photos in case you need to make an insurance claim.  

Stay Safe

  • Keep an eye on neighbours. Be ready to help if you can.
  • Call 999 if you’re in immediate danger, particularly if there is anyone frail, vulnerable or disabled in the property.
  • Follow advice from the emergency services and evacuate if you’re told to do so.
  • Avoid driving or walking through flood water: just 30cm (1 foot) of fast flowing water could move your car and even shallow moving water can knock you off your feet
  • Keep family and pets away from floodwater – it probably contains sewage and chemicals and may contain heavy debris, sharp objects and invisible open manhole covers
  • Wash your hands if you’ve been in contact with flood water which may contain toxic substances

In some instances if a property is at imminent risk of flooding from the highway then Derbyshire County Council reactive teams may be able to provide filled sandbags. In these cases calls should be made to the County Council on 01629 533190.

The District Council has no legal duties to deal with flooding incidents, but we will try to help if and when we can. We have a small amount of sandbags in stock and a limited number of staff and vehicles to deliver them. 

Any requests for sandbags need to be assessed based on how close residential parts of the property are to being flooded and whether there are infants, elderly, frail or disabled people living at the property. We can’t deal with gardens, garages or outbuildings being flooded.

Where there is an imminent risk then we will try to deliver the number of sandbags necessary for the property to protect only its external doors and any airbricks in external walls. The delivery of these sandbags is dependent on whether the property can be reached through the floods via the local road network and whether we have adequate supplies of sandbags and personnel to deliver them. 

Requests for sandbags can be made by phone to the Council’s Contact Centre on 01283 595795.


19 January 2021

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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