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Leisure re-opening in South Derbyshire

leisure leisure

The re-opening of leisure facilities across South Derbyshire will take a significant step forward on Monday 12 April when Green Bank and Etwall leisure centres welcome back customers who will be able to engage in individual activity or in their family group or support bubble.

Group exercise will not be allowed, but parent and child groups of up to 15 people can also re-start indoors.

The Council’s tennis courts, multi-use games areas, outdoor gyms and skateparks re-opened on 29 March and jogging sessions resumed at Maurice Lea Park at the same time.

The re-openings at Green Bank and Etwall will include swimming, gym and sports hall activities along with outdoor group exercise and the opening of the artificial grass pitch at Etwall.

All Council leisure facilities will be operated in line with Government, UK Active and national governing body guidance. Measures to keep people safe will include, regular interval cleaning with specialist products particularly with regard to high touch points, signage, and social distancing including gym equipment. Changing rooms will remain closed, and there will be staff briefings and training sessions to ensure a safe environment for customers at all times.

The Council, and Active Nation – the company which manages the two local leisure centres – have been assisted in the re-opening by the Government’s National Leisure Recovery Fund, which has allocated £100m to 266 local authorities across England to support the recovery of publicly-owned leisure centres and gyms.

9 April 2021

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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