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Download app to help control COVID-19


South Derbyshire residents are being urged to download and use the new NHS COVID-19 contract tracing app – the fastest way of knowing if you’re at risk and being able to alert loved ones and your community.

The more you the app is used the better the NHS can control the virus.

The app runs on proven software developed by Apple and Google, designed so that nobody will know who or where you are. And you can delete your data, or the app, at any time.

It has a number of features:

  • Trace: find out when you've been near other app users who have tested positive for coronavirus.
  • Alert: lets you know the level of coronavirus risk in your postcode district.
  • Check-in: get alerted if you've visited a venue where you may have come into contact with coronavirus, using a simple QR code scanner. No more form filling.
  • Symptoms: check if you have coronavirus symptoms and see if you need to order a test.
  • Test: helps you order a test if you need to.
  • Isolate: keep track of your self-isolation countdown and access relevant advice.

The NHS COVID-19 app is free to download from the App Store and Google Play.

Find out more here

24 September 2020

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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