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Online event for wildlife enthusiasts launches

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‘Wildlife Wednesdays’ has been created by South Derbyshire District Council’s Environmental Education Project and began on 18 November on Facebook -

The Wildlife Wednesday team is inviting locals to post their wildlife questions, ideas, and sightings at any time during the week. Experts will then be on hand between 1-2pm each Wednesday, on Facebook, to answer the questions and contribute to the wildlife chat.

It is intended to keep Wildlife Wednesdays running over the winter when the team will be keen to hear about what has been spotted in South Derbyshire gardens or while out on local walks.

Wildlife and plant sightings will also be sent to Derbyshire Biological Records Centre and be added to national records of species in South Derbyshire. Find out more about Wildlife Watch here -

Councillor Andrew MacPherson, Chairman of South Derbyshire District Council’s Environmental and Development Services Committee, said: “We are hoping Wildlife Wednesdays will quickly become a popular event with local people keen to learn a little more about the wildlife on their doorsteps, and wanting to share what they have discovered. This kind of initiative is especially important at the moment and I would encourage anyone with an interest in wildlife to get involved.”

9 November 2020

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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