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Work set to begin on housing improvements in South Derbyshire

repairs repairs

Tenants in South Derbyshire will benefit from improvement works to their homes as work is set to resume following the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Housing contractor, NOVUS, working on behalf of South Derbyshire District Council, will resume the scheduled works with roofing repairs in Midway.

The work is due to begin on Monday 11 May with only two homes worked on at any one time to ensure social distancing measures are maintained.

Councillor Andy Roberts, Chairman of South Derbyshire District Council’s Housing and Community Services Committee, said:

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was necessary for our in-house housing repairs staff and our contractor, NOVUS, to carry out only the essential housing repairs to protect the safety of our tenants and staff.

“During this time, we have developed measures which will allow us to carry out the improvements to our tenants’ homes while keeping our staff safe and we are confident that we now have everything in place to continue to improve the home environment for our tenants.”

The majority of services operated by South Derbyshire District Council are continuing to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic with support given to tenants, residents and businesses.

For further information on services, visit:

7 May 2020

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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