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Residents urged to take care as social distancing measures are relaxed

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Residents and visitors to South Derbyshire are urged to take responsibility for their health and the health of others as businesses including pubs, restaurants and hair salons open this weekend.

People visiting pubs and restaurants should follow social distancing rules, respect staff, pre-book tables and order food and drink using an app if available. They should also be prepared to give their names and addresses when they are asked.

Anyone visiting hair salons should also make appointments in advance and not arrive early for their appointments to avoid having too many people in the salon at any one time.

Everyone should remember to stay at home if they have any potential symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) these are:

  • A high temperature
  • A new, persistent cough
  • A loss or change to sense of taste and smell.

People are also asked to use card or contactless payments where possible.

Councillor Martyn Ford, South Derbyshire District Council’s Leader, said:

“We are looking forward to welcoming people back to our businesses including pubs, restaurants and hair salons but we all have a responsibility to take care of ourselves and others.

“We must all follow social distancing measures at all times and accept that things are going to be different and follow any requests made by business owners to prevent the spread of coronavirus.”

As more people visit town centres and shopping areas, they are also reminded to wash their hands regularly or use hand sanitizer where available, follow any queuing systems in place and to use shops and businesses at quieter times if possible.

Anyone who is contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service should provide their details and follow the instructions they receive.

For further information on how services offered by South Derbyshire District Council are affected by COVID-19, visit:

2 July 2020

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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