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South Derbyshire commemorates the end of the Second World War

VJ Day 75 VJ Day 75

This Saturday (15 August) marks 75 years since Victory over Japan Day (VJ Day), which marked the end of six long years of war.

In order to maintain social distancing and to safeguard the health of residents – particularly elderly veterans, South Derbyshire District Council is encouraging residents to take part by following the national commemorations.

A televised national service of commemoration will be held at 11am at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire attended by TRH The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall.

People are also encouraged to take part in a two minute silence as part of the national act of remembrance at 11am. Following this, South Derbyshire’s town crier, Karen Bailey, will lead a cry for peace around the world.

Councillor Martyn Ford, South Derbyshire District Council’s Leader, said: “Although it is disappointing we are not able to meet in person to mark the 75th anniversary of VJ Day and the end of the Second World War, I am sure you will join me in marking the occasion at home to show our gratitude to the veterans who fought to secure our freedom.”

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, who was present on board HMS Whelp in Tokyo Bay for the signing of the Japanese surrender, will feature on large screens in locations across the country in a poignant photo montage showcasing living Second World War veterans and also on social media.

13 August 2020

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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