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Temporary medical facility to open in Swadlincote bus station car park

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To support our Primary Care network of GP surgeries to effectively manage the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic it has been necessary to urgently plan and put in place a temporary medical facility in Swadlincote.

This will be constructed on the car park at the rear of the bus station off Civic Way, Swadlincote.

A temporary structure will be put in place early on Wednesday morning and the bus station car park will be closed until further notice from the evening of Tuesday 7 April.

This facility will be self-contained and be in the form of a drive-through medical centre, purely focussed on assessing patients with COVID-19 symptoms. The site will be secured at all times and will be staffed by doctors and other healthcare professionals.

Please note: It is NOT a coronavirus testing facility.

Following an initial telephone consultation via 111 and then with their local GP, any patient who requires an assessment would be allocated an appointment time. 

The service is to enable a clinical decision to be made regarding the appropriate treatment advice for people suffering with COVID-19 symptoms. Patients can only be seen on a strict appointment basis and no walk-in service offered to the public.

As a Council, we are committed to supporting our local communities. We are pleased to be able to offer this facility, which supports local health services and the people who use them. These are unprecedented times and we appreciate the public support for the NHS during this health pandemic and the challenges it brings.

8 April 2020

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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