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Youth ASB task group

asb asb

A new multi-agency tasking group to focus on young people who are engaging in acts of anti-social behaviour (ASB) or crime has been set up by South Derbyshire District Council’s ASB Officer Claire Rawlins.

Formed to ensure a joined-up approach is taken to dealing with the young people concerned, the new group will meet on a monthly basis at Swadlincote Police Station and involve organisations including schools, Police, Social Care, Derbyshire County Council Early Help Team and the Youth Offending Team. South Derbyshire District Council’s Swadlincote Community Safety Enforcement Officer is also involved.

The group is chaired by Claire Rawlins and Swadlincote Police Inspector Kate Bateman and will look to address behaviour through both intervention and enforcement where needed. Members will consider what actions can be put in place to help young people and to help reduce juvenile ASB and crime.

Agencies can refer anyone to the meeting that they have concerns about in terms of behaviour within their community.

During the meetings the group will also identity “hotspot” areas from which repeat calls to service for ASB involving young people are coming in. These could include parks, specific streets or community areas.

As a result of identifying hotspot locations, decisions can be made about adding them to Police patrol routes, increasing patrols and deciding if partners such as DCC Early Help should work in them.

Commenting after the first meeting which has recently taken place, Claire Rawlins said:

“The first meeting went well. Everyone involved recognises that tackling anti-social behaviour needs a partnership approach. We appreciate that the underlying causes of behaviour need to be considered and addressed, as well as taking enforcement action when appropriate.”

Inspector Bateman added:

“Sharing information and working together strengthens what can be achieved. I am confident the group will work well and help keep South Derbyshire a safe place to live and work.”





30 September 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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