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Council to install new payment machines

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The very latest card reader payment machines are to be installed at the Civic Offices in Swadlincote by South Derbyshire District Council (SDDC), making paying quick, easy and safe and bring the Council in line with new regulations.

Updated security standards for dealing with payments, laid down in the Payment Card Industry Standard Regulations, are to be introduced in January 2020 and the payment machines SDDC currently has will not comply.

The new machines will accept all major debit and credit cards but will not take cash payments, and as a result from January 1, 2020 cash payments will no longer be possible at the Civic Offices.

Alternative cash payment facilities are available through Post Offices, the nearest being a short distance from the Civic Offices, and by using the “PayPoint” network which features a variety of independent local retailers.

There are 10 alternative cash payment locations within one mile of the Civic Offices which can be identified using postcode searches on the Post Office and PayPoint websites.

The introduction of the new machines and decision to put a stop to cash payments at SDDC’s offices will certainly not mean that residents can no longer make payments to the Council in cash, all it means is they will need to do it somewhere else.

Cllr Peter Watson, Chairman of the Council’s Finance & Management Committee, said:

"We have decided that introducing card reader machines is the best option.  

“Encouraging more people to use a local Post Office or PayPoint for cash payments will help support valuable local businesses and will also free up staff time and save some money.

“Most cash-paying residents will already be familiar with making payments at these venues for bills such as utility, TV licences, and phone credit.

“This change will help residents to pay their Council bills closer to home or work and give business to local shops. It should be more convenient because you can pay your Council bills at the same time as doing other things.”

Cash payments at the Civic Offices will come to an end on December 31 this year.

The easiest way for residents to make payments to SDDC is by setting up a Direct Debit which can be done via the website here.

Card payments by phone can be made 24 hours a day and payment by cheque is possible if cheques are posted and a SAE included for return of a receipt. Cheques cannot be handed in at the Civic Offices.

To help ensure residents are aware of the change, an extensive communications plan is being run including reports to Area Forum meetings, news items to the media, posters being displayed in locations where people collect, pay and take advice on money in Swadlincote and information to partner organisations such as housing providers.

9 September 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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