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Call for development sites

call call

Landowners, developers and members of the public are being invited to submit potential sites for uses such as housing or economic development.

Once site suggestions have been submitted, South Derbyshire District Council intends to carry out a Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA), which will form part of the evidence for the Local Plan review. The SHELAA will not in itself allocate land or grant approval for development.

Potential sites for development should be submitted between Thursday, October 3 until Thursday, December 12.

Councillor Martyn Ford, Leader of South Derbyshire District Council said:

“The ‘call for sites’ is a fantastic opportunity for agents, landowners and developers to submit land which they believe could be suitable for future homes and jobs as well as to help enhance South Derbyshire. Potential sites can also be utilised for transport, heritage, tourism and environmental purposes.

“This process also gives local residents and businesses the chance to decide and shape how their District will look in the future.”

If you wish to put forward a suggestion, please complete a ‘Call for Sites’ Suggestion Form. A separate form should be completed for each site. Forms should include as much information as possible, and a Location Plan should be submitted. Without a Location Plan it will not be possible to register the site for further consideration.

The Call for Sites Suggestion Form can be found on the following webpage:

4 October 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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