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Food safety, everyone’s business

Food Safety Day Food Safety Day

As part of the first ever World Food Safety Day on Friday, June 7, South Derbyshire District Council is joining forces with the Food Standards Agency to highlight how the team helps to ensure that the food we buy and eat is safe.

While problems are rare, there are several reasons why food might need to be recalled. For example, if the allergen information on a label is inaccurate, or if there are concerns around food poisoning bacteria such as salmonella.

To ensure residents are assured, product recalls and allergy alerts are frequently shared on the South Derbyshire Environmental Health Facebook page too.

If there is a recall, the team at South Derbyshire District Council work with the food businesses and the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to make sure the product is removed from the shelves and recalled.

Martyn Ford, Leader of South Derbyshire District Council said:

“We’re very proud to be supporting World Food Safety Day. One of the key ways we help ensure food is safe in South Derbyshire is by making sure businesses recall food products that may be unsafe. For example, our officers have instigated product recalls involving ice cream which did not have the correct labelling and a large amount of meat that had been stored incorrectly.

“It is an opportunity to strengthen efforts to ensure the food we eat is safe. Food Safety is everyone’s business, whether you produce, process, sell or prepare food, then you have a role in keeping it safe. We would encourage everyone to sign up to the FSA’s food alerts service, to get immediate updates when product recalls and allergy alerts are published.”

Dr Colin Sullivan, Chief Operating Officer at the Food Standards Agency, said:

“We are pleased to play our part in making sure people can trust their food, particularly through working with local authorities and food businesses when a recall is required.

“We issued 72 food recalls and 103 allergy alerts in 2018 and we make every effort to make sure we publish our alerts as soon as we can and with information that is both useful and clear. Our advice to people is always based on the best science and evidence available.”




31 May 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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