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Travel safe on a night out

taxi taxi

With the party season well and truly with us, and many of us doing the sensible thing and using a taxi, South Derbyshire District Council's Licensing team has a few tips to help make sure anyone planning to do so stays safe and is charged the correct fare.

They suggest if you’re using a private hire vehicle that you:

  • Book a licensed vehicle in advance and use a trusted company or driver;
  • Make sure that you have a record of your telephone, email or App booking and your journey information;
  • Travel with friends rather than alone whenever possible;
  • Keep your taxi fare money separate so that you don't spend it on something else while you're out;
  • Make sure that you have your mobile phone with you.

When a licensed vehicle picks you up, you need to check:

  • The private hire licence plate on the rear of the vehicle shows the same make, model and registration number as the vehicle it is on. There is also an internal badge on the windscreen of all private hire vehicles with the same details. Make a note of the vehicle number and registration or take a photo with your mobile.
  • All private hire vehicles should display the operator signs.  Check these are present, so you know you are getting in a taxi from the operator you booked with.
  • The driver’s photo I.D. badge should be visible, and you can ask the driver to show it to you. The photo must be a true likeness of the driver, so you are confident they are who they say they are.

If there is no plate, no internal stickers, no side panels and the driver doesn’t have his badge with him then it may be an unlicensed vehicle.  Check with the operator that the vehicle is in fact licensed.  

Never get in a vehicle that claims they are your official taxi without checking.

The fare should be no more than quoted by the operator.  Always ask for a price on booking.  If you don’t ask for a price then the driver can charge what he wants!

A licensed driver shouldn't ask you for money up front before you start your journey or refuse to take you on a short journey.

If you have an issue of this sort, or any other with a licensed vehicle in South Derbyshire and wish to make a complaint, take a note of the plate number, name of the driver and, if possible, take a photo then contact with the details.

These tips are being shared via SDDC’s social media channels to help everyone

13 December 2019

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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