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Christmas hamper appeal to help those in need

xmas hamper xmas hamper

Festive cheer is set to be spread amongst those most in need as South Derbyshire District Council launches a popular annual initiative.

60 hampers are to be given to Council tenants and residents as part of the Dreamscheme Christmas Hamper Project, which is now in its sixth year.

The Council is working in partnership with South Derbyshire CVS Food Bank to provide a sprinkling of seasonal cheer.

Donations such as toys, treats, tinned goods, toiletries and other items are now being sought from generous residents and businesses across the District.

Councillor Jim Hewlett, Chairman of Housing and Community Services at the District Council, said:

“Christmas is a time of giving and thinking about others.

“Our hamper scheme captures the essence of the season as it spreads joy to some of the most vulnerable people across the District.

“It is so heart-warming meeting some of those receiving the hampers. Donations, no matter how big or small, will help to make someone’s Christmas truly special.”

In previous years, 106 hampers have been handed out to residents, all with different stories and backgrounds.

Donations can be given until Monday, December 3 at the following drop off points:

  • South Derbyshire CVS, Grove Street, Swadlincote, from 8.30am to 4pm between Monday and Friday.
  • Unity Close Community Room, Church Street, Church Gresley, from 4.30pm to 6.30pm on Wednesday, October 31; Friday, November 2; Wednesday, November 7; Wednesday, November 14 and Wednesday, November 28.

Alternatively, you can telephone Laurie Coombs or Sharon Cole on 01283 595803/595727 or email for more information.

25 October 2018

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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