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Full house at popular Liberation Day event

Liberation Day 2018 Liberation Day 2018

It was a full house for South Derbyshire’s popular Liberation Day event, as the over-55s turned up in force to ‘Remember the Good Old Days’.

Residents were able to step back in time to experience the specially created Edwardian music hall, courtesy of Little Pixie Productions.

The crowd waved their Union Jacks in unity as they enjoyed performances including comedy sketches, music and sing-along songs such as ‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary’ and ‘Down at the Old Bull and Bush’.

Harmonic South Derbyshire community choir, The Breakaways Singers, also added to the sense of community spirit and party-like occasion.

Commenting on the day, which was organised by the Safer South Derbyshire Partnership, Joyce and Brian Fritwell from Midway said:

“This is always such a fantastic event. We always meet people that we haven’t seen in ages, so it’s a nice little reunion too. We’re nearly 80 years old and we’re not always up to date with the latest safety advice that’s often found on the internet. The advice that’s on offer at this event is always valuable and very helpful to us."

Joyce Coates from Hatton said:

“I came to Liberation Day for the first time last year and I really enjoyed it. The hosts really do look after you with all the lovely food and drink being handed out. The entertainment is great too. My highlight was The Breakaways.”

Margaret Leedham, Health Referral Manager at The Green Bank Leisure Centre, said:

“We are always very busy and on hand to help residents enquiring about how they can keep fit and healthy. Liberation Day always provides a great opportunity to give people a step in the right direction.”

Anne Huckerby, Founder and Head therapist at Freedom Therapies and workshops said:

“We always call on our local therapists to provide pampering and relaxation sessions at Liberation Day. We’re always fully booked with residents wanting to try the variety of massages by our specialists. They always say they feel relaxed after.”

Chris Smith, Communities Manager for the Safer South Derbyshire Partnership, said:

“Liberation Day was a success this year with residents coming to spend some time together whilst getting information on local services and advice on key concerns that may affect them.”

The Safer South Derbyshire Partnership event took place at Gresley Old Hall, in Church Gresley on Wednesday, May 16. The Safer South Derbyshire Partnership brings organisations including South Derbyshire District Council, South Derbyshire CVS and the police together to make the District even safer and help people feel secure.

17 May 2018

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