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Toyota to host Exporting to Japan business event

Japan Japan

Businesses looking to explore overseas opportunities are being urged to come along to a free Exporting to Japan event at the Toyota factory at Burnaston.

The event will focus on topics such as market opportunities in Japan, insights into Japanese business culture and support for companies looking to export.

There will also be an opportunity to find out about the unique relationship between Derbyshire and Toyota City in the Aichi Prefecture of Japan.

Cllr Martyn Ford, Leader of South Derbyshire District Council, said:

“This event is a great chance for people to learn more about the opportunities that may await them in Japan. The question and answer session will also aim to help businesses understand what exactly is needed to make exporting to Japan a success for their own venture. This will hopefully alleviate any obstacles or challenges business owners may have.

“We’re looking forward to sharing insights on this fascinating and potentially very lucrative market and hope that local businesses will take advantage of the wealth of expert knowledge on offer.”

The event takes place on Tuesday, June 26 at the Toyota factory, Burnaston, Derby.

Attendees can register and grab a coffee from 8am, with the event beginning at 9am. A question and answer session, as well as networking, will take place from 10.30am.

This Toyota City Partnership Development Board event is kindly supported by Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd as part of the 20th anniversary of the relationship between Derbyshire and Toyota City. The event also garners additional support from Burton and South Derbyshire College, East Midlands Chamber and the University of Derby.

In addition to Toyota Motor Manufacturing UK, speakers will include Ian Harrison, Department for International Trade Regional Director for the East Midlands, and Steve Crane, Chief Executive Officer of Business Link Japan.

The event is open to all types of businesses and will include the chance to meet experts from organisations including the Department for International Trade and East Midlands Chamber.

For further information please ring: 01283 595791. A free place can be reserved by completing the online event booking form:

5 June 2018

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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