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A little bird told us…

Bird Watch Bird Watch

Bird-watchers are invited to explore and learn more about their feathered friends in a charming and scenic backdrop. 

Bird expert Brian George will be leading a walk in search of various bird species at Rosliston Forestry Centre on Saturday, June 9. He will also be talking to his guests about showing compassion for nature.

The wildlife haven is home to kestrels, owls, kingfishers and much more. The scenic mix of woodland, meadow and ponds makes it a perfect setting for people to brush up on their knowledge and identify such flying wonders in the heart of The National Forest.

Early-birds should leave their nests and meet at 9.45am in the Café Foyer for a 10am start.

The walk is 1.5 miles and costs £1 per person. Only assistance dogs are permitted on this walk.

Clothing suitable for the weather conditions and sturdy footwear is recommended. No need to book, just turn up. Call Rosliston Forestry Centre on 01283 563483 or email

8 June 2018

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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