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Residents warned about their fly-tipping responsibilities

Fly-tipping Fly-tipping

Residents and businesses could face a hefty fine or even prison for handing over their household and building waste to illegal removal operators.

It is an offence for householders or businesses to give their waste to an unlicensed waste carrier.

Only licensed waste carriers should be used to get rid of unwanted rubbish such as furniture, black bin bags and household items.

Residents and businesses can also dispose of their household waste at the recycling centre in Park Road, Newhall. South Derbyshire District Council provides a free household waste collection service, in varying areas across the District, on Saturday mornings for areas that are more than five miles away from the tip.

If a removal operator calls at the door, residents and businesses are urged to:

  • Ask them to provide a full address, telephone number and vehicle registration details
  • Ask to see their waste carriers licence, issued by the Environment Agency
  • Contact the Environment Agency directly on 0870 8506 506 and ask for a free instant Waste Carrier Validation Check.

If waste is given to an unlicensed operator and is fly-tipped, legal action can be taken against the householder or business that provided it as well as the carrier.

The District Council will investigate all reports of fly-tipping. Vehicles used to transport the waste can be seized and crushed with the driver being disqualified from driving.

Cllr Andy MacPherson, Chairman of the Environment and Development Services Committee at the District Council, said:

“We do not tolerate fly-tipping in South Derbyshire and would urge everyone to avoid handing over their household or building waste to third parties that cannot prove they are legitimate.

“If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Only registered carriers should be used, otherwise residents and businesses could end up in court if their waste is found fly-tipped.

“The public can help us clamp down on rogue operators by providing us with registration numbers, descriptions and details. Fly-tipping incidents can also be reported at

“We would like to thank residents and businesses for their ongoing support.”

In the last 12 months, the Council has taken six people to court for waste management offences and issued 11 fixed penalty notices of £400 for fly-tipping offences.

Information about waste disposal responsibilities can be found at or by telephoning the Council’s Safer Neighbourhood Wardens on 01283 595968.

13 July 2018

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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