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Snap your boxes!

Snapbox Snapbox

People dining out in South Derbyshire are being reminded that not only can they easily take their leftovers home, they can even win themselves a prize for doing so!

Last month saw the launch of the SnapBox project in the District, a scheme designed to make asking for leftovers easy by providing free ‘designer’ boxes in which to take them home.

SnapBox has been developed by South Derbyshire District Council with its Waste less, Save more partner Sainsbury’s to help residents get the most out of their food and to reduce waste.

The boxes, made by Multi Purpose Packaging Solutions, are available in cafes, pubs and restaurants in South Derbyshire, as well as from reception at the Civic Offices, the Tourist Information Office in Swadlincote and from the Environmental Education team at Rosliston Forestry Centre.

Anyone using a SnapBox now has the chance to win a prize too. To enter, people are asked to get themselves snapped with their box and to upload the photo to the Waste less, Save more Facebook page using the #SnapBox@home.

Photos can be taken in the premises the food was purchased as well as when it arrives home with the diners.

Every picture which is posted gets entered into the monthly prize draw to win an insulated ‘Picnic Friend’ lunch bag.

If you need some ideas on how to use up your leftovers, visit the Sainsbury’s Food Rescue web pages.

Commenting, Councillor Peter Watson, Chair of South Derbyshire’s Environmental and Development Services Committee said:

“Plenty of people ask for their leftovers when they eat out but research shows 40% don’t feel comfortable doing so. Snapped SnapBoxes will show how simple and useful it is.”

Further details about SnapBox are available here.

8 September 2017

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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