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Help put your stamp on Hatton’s heritage

Hatton Heritage Trail Hatton Heritage Trail

The Heritage Project based at the Salt Brook, Hatton, has been created to give people an informative and inspiring experience for all ages.

Organised by People Express, in collaboration with the Friends of the Salt Brook Trail, a series of landmarks, sculptures and installations have been funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, South Derbyshire District Council and Nestlè to tell the impressive industrial heritage story of the Saxon village.

Julie Batten, Director of People Express, said:

“This is an amazing feat for a small community and will change the landscape of the village forever.

“This event is to keep local people informed of the developments and how to get involved in this exciting project.”

The VIP event is held on Thursday, September 21, 2017 from 4pm to 7pm at Salt Brook Heritage Trailer (in the car park near Hatton Butchers on the corner of Station Road and Hoon Road) and will be an opportunity to find out more about the project and includes a new film of local people who worked in the celebrated industries in the village.

People that live and work in the village will take a leading role in the project and can become a member of the steering group, attend free history training, take part in practical workshops with artists and help to plan and organise events.

People involved in the project will also have the opportunity to work alongside internationally renowned contemporary visual artist John Newling, who is helping the committee to commission exciting and innovative artists who will create the landmarks and sculptures for the trail.

For more information, visit the Saltbrook Hatton Heritage Trail or telephone People Express on 01283 552962.

People Express is a professional participatory and community arts organisation based in South Derbyshire.

25 September 2017

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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