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Breastfeeding mums do brunch

Breastfeeding Brunch Breastfeeding Brunch

A new ‘Breastfeeding Brunch’ is getting mums out and about in South Derbyshire while allowing them to feed their little ones naturally.

Organised by the not-for-profit Burton and Swadlincote Natural Parents group, the gatherings take place at various cafés and eateries across the district.

The idea - funded by Derbyshire County Council and administered by South Derbyshire CVS - is to help improve the health and wellbeing of families in the area, and so far it has been extremely well received.

The latest brunch was held at the Sainsbury’s supermarket café in Civic Way, Swadlincote, where around 15 mums and their babies met to chat and share experiences.

Aimee Harrison, founder of Burton and Swadlincote Natural Parents, said:

“One obstacle new mums come across in the first few months is breastfeeding in public.

“We hope that by allowing them to do it in a group setting they will feel more comfortable and confident, as well as discovering there are many places where breastfeeding is welcome.

“Feedback so far has been really positive. Mums tell us it’s nice to meet others experiencing the same thing and that they welcome an extra avenue of support.”

The brunches are hosted at a different venue each time, all of which are signed up to the ‘Breastfeeding Welcome Here’ award, an initiative involving South Derbyshire District Council and Derbyshire County Council’s children’s centres.

All establishments signed up to the scheme display a ‘Breastfeeding Welcome Here’ certificate and pledge to provide mums with drinking water, as well as encourage their staff to help create a positive attitude towards breastfeeding.

Not only does this give mums peace of mind, but also encourages families to stay longer, spend more money and recommend their positive customer experience to others.

Each venue is also reviewed via a blog published on the Burton and Swadlincote Natural Parents website.

Ian Partridge, store manager for Sainsbury’s in Swadlincote, said:

“Whether shopping in our store or catching up with friends in our café, we want all our customers to feel comfortable, so we’re really pleased to be part of the brunch club.

“It’s had a great response so far and we look forward to seeing it roll out more widely.”

Around 50 South Derbyshire premises – from cafes and libraries to GP surgeries and soft play centres - currently hold the ‘Breastfeeding Welcome Here’ award, with more being encouraged to come forward.

Those interested should contact Leah Reed at the district council tel: 01283 228780 or email:

More information on the Breastfeeding Welcome Here award and a full list of those signed up in the area so far can be found online.

10 May 2017

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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