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Local Plan Part 2 milestone cleared

Local Plan Part 2 - Woodville Woodlands Local Plan Part 2 - Woodville Woodlands

The final adoption of a planning blueprint that will guide the future building of homes in one of the country’s fastest growth areas has moved a step closer.

South Derbyshire District Council has submitted its Local Plan Part 2 to the Government’s Planning Inspectorate for consideration and must now wait for feedback on what comes next.

Part 2 of the plan will allocate housing sites in the district for developments of fewer than 100 homes and contains policies that will be used to inform development in the district up to 2028.

The Local Plan Part 1 – which addresses development requirements over the period 2011 to 2028 and considers how 12,618 additional homes in that period, as well as 53 hectares of new employment land, will meet needs – was officially adopted by the council in June last year.

It came after a Government inspector ruled that the plan was ‘sound’ and legally compliant, meaning the plan became a formal document for planning teams to use.

The aim is to have Part 2 officially adopted later this year.

Cllr Peter Watson, Chairman of the Council’s Environmental and Development Services Committee, said:

“This is another important hurdle cleared as move ever closer to seeing the Local Plan adopted in its entirety.

“It is a key tool to have in our armoury as we seek to shape the future of our prosperous district in a sustainable way.”

31 January 2017

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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