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A root and branch approach in Newhall

Newhall park planting 2017 Newhall park planting 2017

A South Derbyshire park has received a fresh injection of colour to add to its beauty.

Walnut, lime, foxglove, drummondii, liquid amber and red maple are among the varieties now in pride of place following a community tree-planting day at Newhall Park.

Busy getting their hands dirty were Councillor Linda Stuart, who represents Newhall and Stanton on South Derbyshire District Council, Chairman of the Friends of Newhall Park group Barry Woods and ladies from Newhall and District WI.

Children from Newhall Pre-School also planted a tulip tree next to the school building, while staff and users of Newhall Day Centre lent their green fingers to the effort too.

Mr Woods said: “On behalf of the Friends of Newhall Park and all other groups involved, can I say a big thank you to South Derbyshire District Council and The National Forest for funding the trees and their part in the planting.

“I’m sure the residents of Newhall are pleased to see the continuing improvements to Newhall Park.”

The trees complement the cherry tree avenue planted last year by community groups and further enhance the park’s appearance.

26 January 2017

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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