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Tributes to popular councillor and older people's champion

Gill Farrington landscape Gill Farrington landscape

A councillor who worked tirelessly for the health and welfare of South Derbyshire’s older citizens has passed away.

Cllr Gill Farrington, who was first elected to South Derbyshire District Council in 2007, died on Thursday, February 9 2017 at Burton’s Queen’s Hospital.

Cllr Farrington, who represented the Woodville ward and also served for four years as a county councillor, was committed to charity work and among other official roles sat on the board of governors at Queen’s Hospital.

She was the serving chairman of the district council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee and was popular on both sides of the political divide.

Cllr Bob Wheeler, Leader of the District Council, said: “It was with great sadness that we received news of Gill’s passing.

“I’m sure that all elected members, of whichever party, would wish to celebrate Gill’s life of service to the communities of South Derbyshire and, in particular, to the welfare of our older citizens.

“The condolences, thoughts and prayers of all of us are with Bill and the family at this very difficult time.”

Cllr Trevor Southerd, Deputy Leader of the opposition group at the Council, said: “We share the sorrow felt, I am sure, by the many people involved with Gill in her many activities for the benefit of the elderly within the community, but mainly of course by Gill's family, to whom we to offer our sincere condolences.

“She will be greatly missed.”

District Council Chief Executive Frank McArdle said: “Gill was a true community champion. Her death is a very sad loss.”

10 February 2017

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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