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Local hero rescues snowed-in nurses and carers

Stuart Bacon Stuart Bacon

A determined driver who has gone above and beyond to assist snowed-in residents has become a social media sensation.

Stuart Bacon has shown his sense of community spirit during the heavy snowfall and icy conditions this week.

The owner of Capital Limousines and Wedding Cars, in Midway Road, Swadlincote, has been offering others a helping hand using his trusty 4x4.

His mission to help Swaddies started on Sunday, December 10. Since then, he has helped dozens of people to get from A to Z.

The 47-year-old, of Beechurst Mews, in Swadlincote, said:

“It all started on Sunday with a Facebook post that my wife had posted on the ‘This is Swad’ Facebook page. We both noticed that people were saying that they were struggling in the snow and needed help. We posted in the group to say that we can help.

“Shortly after posting, I took my 4x4 out to the community to help those that urgently needed it. When I got back, there were more pleas for help and comments about how people were unable to get where they needed to be because of the snow and ice.

“The snow in South Derbyshire has really pulled the community closer together. It was incredible to see local residents selflessly take to their streets to help each other push their cars out of the snow and ice, even uphill!”

Stuart has been driving people across South Derbyshire free of charge. Any donations from grateful residents have been used to buy food to donate to the South Derbyshire CVS Food Bank.  

Cllr Bob Wheeler, Leader of South Derbyshire District Council, said:

“It’s heart-warming to see the local community rally together in times of need. Stuart demonstrates what can be achieved when you selflessly put others ahead of yourself and lend a helping hand.

“Because of people like Stuart, many nurses, care workers and others needing to get to work have been able to carry on with their daily routines.”

The post has since gone viral on Facebook with 1,300 likes. If locals are still struggling to get around in the snow, they can contact Stuart through the ‘This is Swad’ Facebook page.

15 December 2017

South Derbyshire District Council logogram

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