Housing repair

Please use this form to report non-urgent housing repairs to council properties. If your repair is urgent, please contact our customer services team by calling 01283 595795. If you have an urgent repair out of hours, please call 01332 912642.

Urgent repairs include:
• insecure property
• gaining access (you may be recharged)
• dangerous flooring or stairs
• total loss of water supply
• uncontrollable water leaks
• blocked toilets or soil and vent pipes (if only one in the property)
• blocked drains (if backing up)
• missing inspection chamber covers
• severely damaged or dangerous roofs
• electrics sparking or smoking, or bare wires
• total loss of electric power
• blocked chimney to open fire

Loss of heating or hot water is not an emergency. If, however, either you or a member of the household is 'put at risk' by the loss of heating due to age or illness, please let the operator know and they will try to arrange the loan of a temporary heating supply.

While every effort will be made to rectify the problem with a permanent repair at the first visit, this may not always be possible. Our staff will, at the very least, make the situation safe.

When you report a non-urgent repair using this form, will contact you within five working days to let you know which category your repair falls into: 24 hour turnaround, three day turnaround or 20 day turnaround.

We will then contact you again within the repair timeframe to let you know when our team will visit your property to carry out the repairs.

Your privacy is important to us and any personal information you provide through our online forms will be collected and used to process your service request or enquiry in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Details on how we use your personal information are available in our Council-wide and service specific Privacy Notices.