Housing declaration

Please read the information below, select the option on the next page to indicate that you agree to us using the information you have provided for the purpose of processing your housing application and electronically sign the declaration.

'I give the South Derbyshire Homefinder Landlords permission to contact my present and/or former landlords, any of the agencies listed and any other relevant agencies. I authorise them to disclose any information held by them for the purpose of dealing with my application for housing. I understand that any information given to the South Derbyshire Homefinder Landlords will be used by them in relation to my application for housing. I also authorise South Derbyshire District Council to undertake a credit reference check. I understand that any information I have given may be shared with other sections within the Council and other organisations administering public funds for the purpose of preventing and detecting fraud.’

‘I confirm that the details I have given in this application are true and correct. I understand that if I have knowingly or recklessly given any false information or have withheld information about my application, South Derbyshire Homefinder will not process my application form, may prosecute, and the South Derbyshire Homefinder Landlords may, by law, end my tenancy.’

‘I also accept that I must inform the South Derbyshire Homefinder Landlords of any change in my personal or housing circumstances so that the information held on my application is accurate and true. I understand that if I have knowingly or recklessly not given information on my current circumstances, the South Derbyshire Homefinder Landlords may remove an offer of housing, cancel my housing application and may prosecute.’

Your privacy is important to us and any personal information you provide through our online forms will be collected and used to process your service request or enquiry in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Details on how we use your personal information are available in our Council-wide and service specific Privacy Notices.