Omicron hospitality, leisure and accommodation grant form


These grants are for rated hospitality, leisure and accommodation premises only. Businesses including take-aways, sports clubs, leisure centres, gyms, hairdressers, beauticians, and those that do not offer in person services on their premises are not eligible for an Omicron grant. Such businesses may be eligible for a discretionary grant. Find out more.

Please complete this form to claim an Omicron hospitality, leisure and accommodation grant. Find out more about the grants.

Key facts

• Businesses must apply no later than 5pm on Monday 28 February 2022. Any applications received after this date will not be processed and no grants will be payable, even if the business would have been eligible.

• Grants are only available to rated businesses.

• Businesses must have been trading on 30 December 2021 – businesses established after 30 December 2021, or businesses that were struck off, in liquidation or subject to a strike off notice on 30 December 2021 are not eligible for a grant.

• Businesses must provide in-person services on their premises in either the hospitality, leisure, accommodation sectors:

Hospitality businesses must provide food and/or drink to be consumed on their premises (inside and outside). Takeaways are not eligible.

Leisure businesses must provide provides opportunities, experiences and facilities, in particular for culture, recreation,
entertainment, celebratory events and days and nights out on their premises. All retail businesses, coach tour
operators, and tour operators are not eligible. Gyms, sports clubs etc are also not eligible.

Accommodation businesses must provide lodgings for holiday, travel or other purposes on their premises. Private dwellings, education accommodation, residential homes, care homes, residential family centres and beach huts are not eligible.

• Please only complete this form if your business has previously claimed a rated COVID grant from South Derbyshire District Council. If you are a new business and have not claimed a COVID business grant previously from South Derbyshire District Council, please do not complete this form. Please email and we will send you a full application form to complete.

• If your bank details have changed since you last received a COVID grant, please send copies of three-months of recent bank statements, which need to show your business name and address, account number, sort-code and recent transactions to When sending confidential information by email, we strongly recommend you send it to us through a free Egress account at This will secure your email end-to-end. Please put your application form reference in the subject of your email, so we can match up your statements to your application. We will run your new account details through our NFI and Experian checking tools to validate the account details.

About fraudulent claims

South Derbyshire District Council and the Government will not accept deliberate manipulation and fraud. Any business caught falsifying their records to gain a grant will face prosecution and any funding issued will be subject to claw back. The District Council also reserves the right to put on hold any claim to enable detailed checks to be carried out.

Privacy data

As part of the Government’s response to Covid-19 and the latest Omicron variant, the Government has announced a range of business grants. In order to fulfil our obligations and award payments to eligible claimants it will be necessary to verify whether business bank accounts are open and belongs to the business/person proposed.

For the purpose of validating your application we will share your information with external partners such as the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) to help prevent fraud, which is allowed by law. Using this data, the NFI will facilitate Experian Finance PLC being able to verify the information you have given us and return a score indicating the strength of the match of data provided. As part of the process we will also provide data to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

We will also share internally for the purpose of fulfilling our obligations as a Local Authority, an example of which would be for the Revenues team to share the data with the Customer Services team.

For further information about how your personal information will be used, please visit where you can see a full copy of our Privacy Notice.

Alternatively you can request a hard copy from the Customer Service and Revenues & Benefits at

Your privacy is important to us and any personal information you provide through our online forms will be collected and used to process your service request or enquiry in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Details on how we use your personal information are available in our Council-wide and service specific Privacy Notices.