Volunteering is a great way to learn new skills, get active and make new friends.
Local opportunities are advertised at Do-it so you can search and apply for roles at any time to suit you.
The Volunteer Centre run by South Derbyshire CVS supports individuals looking to do something positive and organisations, including sports clubs and groups, which are seeking volunteers.
Volunteering with the Council
There are lots of ways you can give something back to the community with us:
- Tenant participation - Housing services is inviting tenants to join its groups and panels. Visit our Get Involved page for details.
- Walk leaders - Get Active in The Forest is always on the lookout for volunteers to lead walks in South Derbyshire. Further information is available by tele Debbie or Tor on 01283 563483.
- Environmental volunteering project - The project aims to match businesses and other groups looking to do their bit for the community with environmental projects. Email rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk or telephone 01283 535039 to find out how your group can either volunteer or benefit.
Other organisations
Volunteers are an important part of the make-up of local organisations including South Derbyshire CVS, Citizens Advice South Derbyshire, Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, Home-Start South Derbyshire and People Express.
The Derbyshire Directory and Community Directory offers information about thousands of local community clubs, organisations, charities and care services.