Social Media

Social Media Strategy 

Our Social Media Strategy provides the Council with the correct framework, structure and safeguarding of our online presence.

By following these guidelines, we will:

  • Respond to positive and negative interactions in an effective and timely way.
  • Influence sentiment by providing information that residents want to know about.
  • Create trust by building an online thriving social media community.
  • Engage and learn more about our residents to deliver key messages.

Read more in our Social Media Strategy in the right hand section of this page.

Contact us on Social Media

You can contact us on our central Facebook or our Twitter account. You can also contact us via any of the departmental social media accounts if you have a specific query.

Social Media House Rules

The social media team at South Derbyshire District Council are responsible for several different social media accounts on a variety of platforms.

We’re happy to help you in any way that we can and look forward to seeing your views and feedback. We do however expect our users to offer us the same level of courtesy that we offer them, so we have a short set of house rules:

  1. All users must comply with the social media platform’s Terms of Use as well as these Terms of Use.
  2. Be civil, tasteful and relevant.
  3. Be respectful to other users and topics posted. 
  4. Do not post messages that are unlawful, libellous, harassing, defamatory, slanderous, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or racially offensive.
  5. Do not swear.
  6. Do not post the same message, or very similar messages, more than once (also called "spamming").
  7. Do not publicise your, or anyone else's, personal information, such as contact details.
  8. Do not advertise products or services.
  9. Do not impersonate someone else.

Anyone repeatedly engaging with us using content or language which falls into the above categories will be blocked and/or reported to the associated social media platform.

Responding to users

  1. We’ll do our best to respond to your enquiries within two working days, but in most cases,  it will be within a few hours.
  2. However, we cannot guarantee to reply to all 'comments'. It is advised to send a direct message; if the topic is complex or  urgent it is preffered that people contact Customer Services. 
  3. We’ll try to help you, or direct you to people and/or departments who can, wherever possible.
  4. Our working hours are 8am – 4pm Monday to Friday. We’ll deal with enquiries sent outside of this time as soon as possible when working hours resume.