Discretionary payment application

Complete this form to apply for a DHP if you are in receipt of

• Housing benefit or
• Housing element of Universal Credit


• You need help with rent related costs such as because you have a shortfall between the rent you are charged and the amount you receive in your Housing Benefit or housing element of Universal Credit or
• You would like help with a rent deposit or advance rent because you need to move home

Please DO NOT complete this form for help with

• Council tax costs
• Rent or rent arrears when you are not in receipt of housing benefit or element of Universal credit
• Household expenses such as for gas, electricity, food and travel
• Household goods such as furniture, cookers, fridges etc
• Mortgage costs
• Rent if you already receive full Housing Benefit or housing element of universal credit

If you need help with non-rent related costs please visit Derbyshire County Council Derbyshire Discretionary Fund (DDF) - Derbyshire County Council

Your privacy is important to us and any personal information you provide through our online forms will be collected and used to process your service request or enquiry in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Details on how we use your personal information are available in our Council-wide and service specific Privacy Notices.